Friday, February 19, 2021

Has There Ever Been Colonialization, Genocide and an Endless Series of Crimes Against the Universe in Modern Israel?


1. Introduction of the Issue

The Question
The question of this post is whether or not there has ever been colonialization, genocide and an endless series of crimes against the universe in modern Israel? Doing a search on the Internet with key words "Israel" and "Genocide" (the worst of the Big 3) gives 10 hits on the first page. Nine of the articles claim Israel is guilty of genocide against the Palestinians. One article defends against this claim. Keeping in mind though that people are often guilty of what they falsely accuse other people of, what is the actual EVIDENCE for colonialization, genocide and an endless series of crimes against the universe in modern Israel?

2. Discussion


"While many European colonization schemes focused on shorter-term exploitation of economic opportunities (Newfoundland, for example, or Siberia) or addressed specific goals (Massachusetts or New South Wales), a tradition developed of careful long-term social and economic planning for both parties," 

One of the lies told by Palestinians/Arabs is that foreign powers directly participated in their wars against Israel on the side of the Israelis. Not at all well known, is that the United Kingdom, the greatest colonializer of all time, created, supplied, maintained and led the Jordanian army against Israel during the War of Independence. 

Arab Legion

(The Soviet Union, Cuba, Pakistan and North Korea also provided soldiers who directly fought against Israel). Great Britain provided the leader of the Arab Legion, John Glubb, and the top officers. Glubb married a Jordanian and the Jordanian King married a Brit (now that's old school!). 

During the War of Independence, because of Great Britain's Arab Legion, the Jordanian army was the only relatively modern quality army the Arabs had. During the Israeli Civil War, Israel had defeated the Palestinians everywhere, including the West Bank. Without the Arab Legion Israel would have taken the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, in the War of Independence. 

At the time, the King of Jordan wanted all of Israel to be part of Jordan, even though the population of Jordan was relatively smaller than the Palestinian population. He realized though that he lacked the military strength to do that and the British told him they would only support taking over the part of Israel designated for the Palestinians. Based on how the War went he was willing to only annex the portion of Israel conquered by the Arab legion and allow a Jewish Country in whatever was left. He never wanted a Palestinian country as, if he was successful in taking the West Bank, the majority of his subjects would be Palestinian, and a neighboring Palestinian country would be a direct threat to his rule. 

In the War of Independence, Egypt and Syria had much larger militaries than Jordan and much more threatening politics, and, a majority of the West Bank was Palestinian, so the Israelis had a defensive policy towards the West Bank in general with the exception of East Jerusalem. 

The Arab Legion won the West Bank and East Jerusalem and Jordan annexed both. Thus Jordan colonized the West Bank and could not have done so without the foreign colonizing power Great Britain. Included in the take was East Jerusalem, which the United Nations including Great Britain, had agreed was to be an International City. Great Britain publicly stated that it did so for its own economic self-interests. 

Great Britain was embarrassed by the fact that its military was leading an attack against a country that at the time would have to reach up to be third world status and that would have been exponentially stronger if the British had not prevented so many Jews from leaving Europe to prevent being murdered by the Nazis, so it ordered all its officers to return to Jordan after they initially crossed into Israel. All of them though quickly (and unofficially) returned to lead the front lines (but lying seems a relatively low badge of dishonor to pin on them here). 

So, Jordan/Great Britain thus colonized part of Israel, with Jordan leaving open the possible final solution of the conflict to it colonizing all of Israel. The United Nations complained that this was a violation of the related UN Mandate. But there were no boycotts, demonizations, violent protests or terrorist attacks against Jordan/Great Britain.

And HOW did Jordan accomplish this. That involves what follows, genocide and crimes against the Universe.



"Definition of genocide[edit]

Article 2 of the Convention defines genocide as

... any of the following acts committed with intent to destroyin whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
— Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 2[5]"

During the War of Independence the Arab Legion, and thus Jordan, conquered the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Qualitatively, East Jerusalem had exponentially more Jewish religious significance than any other religion. Quantitatively, it's difficult to estimate how many Jews were in East Jerusalem/West Bank before Jordanian colonization because:

During and after the Battle of Jerusalem, Palestinian civilian looting destroyed most of the synagogues and Jewish schools. After the Battle Jordan expelled all Jews from East Jerusalem and prevented Israelis from visiting Jewish holy sites. Thus there remained no significant Jewish presence in East Jerusalem in terms of people or identifying history except for the Western Wall which ironically was spared because Muslims insisted it was an Islamic heritage site and not a Jewish one. Thus an almost complete destruction of Jews and Jewish history in East Jerusalem, which has always been the heart of Judaism. Now what's the word for that?

An Endless Series of Crimes against the Universe

Crimes Against Humanity

"Nuremberg Trials

After the Second World War, the London Charter of the International Military Tribunal set down the laws and procedures by which the Nuremberg trials were to be conducted. The drafters of this document were faced with the problem of how to respond to the Holocaust and the grave crimes committed by the Nazi regime. A traditional understanding of war crimes gave no provision for crimes committed by a power on its own citizens. Therefore, Article 6 of the Charter was drafted to include not only traditional war crimes and crimes against peace, but also crimes against humanity, defined as

Murder, extermination, enslavementdeportation, and other inhumane acts committed against any civilian population, before or during the war, or persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds in execution of or in connection with any crime within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal, whether or not in violation of the domestic law of the country where perpetrated.[12][13]"

The List is long and undistinguished:

Battle for Jerusalem

"Israeli victories against the Arab militias in the city pushed Abdallah of Jordan to order the Arab Legion to intervene."

"It deployed in East Jerusalem, fought the Israelis and took the Jewish quarter of the Old City. The population was expelled and the fighters taken prisoners to Jordan."


"Arab forces attacked a Jewish medical convoy on its way to Hadassah Hospital on Mount Scopus. The British had provided no escort (as they had in previous months) and both they and Palmach forces were slow to intervene during the attack and help the ambushed Jews. After seven hours of fighting, the British put an end to the standoff; by then 78 Jews (mostly unarmed medical personnel) had been killed, as was one British soldier.[41][42][43]"

Battle for Jerusalem

"The Jordanians in Latrun cut off supplies to western Jerusalem.[154] Though some supplies, mostly munitions, were airdropped into the city, the shortage of food, water, fuel and medicine was acute. The Israeli forces were seriously short of food, water and ammunition.[154]"
"King Abdullah ordered Glubb Pasha, the commander of the Arab Legion, to enter Jerusalem on 17 May. The Arab Legion fired 10,000 artillery and mortar shells a day,[154] and also attacked West Jerusalem with sniper fire."

"The 1,500 Jewish inhabitants of the Old City's Jewish Quarter were expelled, and several hundred were detained. The Jews had to be escorted out by the Arab Legion to protect them against Palestinian Arab mobs that intended to massacre them.[158]"

      East Jerusalem 

"During the Battle for Jerusalem, fighting in the Jewish quarter between the Jordanian Arab Legion and the IDFIrgun and Lehi had been particularly fierce, leaving the zone in ruins. The battle and subsequent looting by Palestinian civilians left 27 synagogues and 30 schools destroyed.[28] The Jordanian army is said to have blown up, three days after conquering the area, what remained of the Hurva Synagogue, which had served both as a civilian refuge and Israeli military post.[28]"

"In the first six months of the 1948 war 6,000 Jews also abandoned the city, and when war broke out, thousands fled the northern areas subject to Jordanian shelling. "

 "as Jordan did not recognize Israeli passports, neither Jewish nor Muslim Israelis were allowed access to their traditional sites of worship in East Jerusalem, though Israeli Christians, with a special laissez-passer. were permitted to visit Bethlehem over Christmas and the New Year.[50][51]"

3. Conclusion

Palestinian political violence

" John Bagot Glubb, a high-ranking British army general who worked with the Arab Legion, explained in his autobiographical history of the period how he convinced the Legion to arm and train the fedayeen for free.[36] The Israeli government cites dozens of these attacks as "Major Arab Terrorist Attacks against Israelis prior to the 1967 Six-Day War".[37][38] Between 1951 and 1956, 400 Israelis were killed and 900 wounded by fedayeen attacks.;[39][40] according to the Anti-Defamation League "[i]n 1955 alone, 260 Israeli citizens were killed or wounded by fedayeen".[41]"

         [It was not enough for England to have their General lead Jordan against Israel in a Colonialization, Genocide and Crimes Against The Universe effort. After the War this shmuck putz trained Palestinian terrorists to commit terrorist attacks against Israel from the safety of Jordan.]

In conclusion then, During The War of Independence, we've seen how Jordan, with England's help, colonized part of Israel, and tried to colonize all of it, committed genocide in East Jerusalem and The West Bank and committed numerous crimes against the universe during and after The War. So when people say there has been colonialization, genocide and crimes against the universe in modern Israel, they are correct. They just often have the guilty party and the victims switched. 


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